Here you can read about some of what I've been thinking and writing.

Publications on Bioethics and Value Theory

Publications on Disability

Publications on Understanding

Publications on Explanation

Publications on Transformative Experience

Publication on Explanation and Learning

  • “Abstracting Structural Explanations”

  • “Authentic MDMA Highs”

  • “Did he Hallucinate Because he has Scizophrena? The Explanatory Power of Mental Disorder Categories“ (co-authored with J. Gleason and T. Lombrozo)

  • “Evidence and Accuracy in Transformative Decisions”

  • “Meta-Transformative Experiences and the Daredevil Effect”

Works in Progress/Under Review: Ask for Drafts!

  • Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science (co-editing with Richard Samuels. Bloomsbury Academic.

  • Simple Understanding: Understanding, Explanation, and How We Think About the World. (Under contract with Synthese Library)
